Workshop in Tran , 3 - 5 july 2013


Young educators were provided with the training for the development of necessary skills for the mobilization of the local community, facilitation, planning work program, communication, providing funds and problem solving. The training was carried out in Tran (The Republic of Bulgaria) and it lasted three days, from 03.07.2013 to 05.07.2013. The training was lead by two experts who gave the young educators all the necessary knowledge about ecology based on the interactive skills and facilitation skills.
Activities in the community

As young educators achieved knowledge in the field of ecology and developed communication skills during the period between September and October in Surdulica and Tran, 24 workshops were organized in the primary and secondary schools under the surveillance of tutors and assistants. The aim of the workshops was to give a chance to young people to keep in touch with nature, to understand the importance of natural protection and to identify the problems of nature pollution in local area.
The 6 activities were organized in Surdulica and Tran - one of them had the aim of promoting the importance of protected natural area and involving the people in active protection of natural surroundings by undertaking a survey among the local people. |