Agriculture-forestry school “Josif Pancic“, Surdulica |
Secondary School ''Geo Milev" , Tran |
Language |
Name of Project: Increase awareness of youth about the importance of environmental protection ECOSCHOOL |
Reasons for the project ECOSCHOOL Between Surdulica and Tran, there is Vlasina region, which, due to its extraordinary characteristics, has been proclaimed “a region of extraordinary features” by Institute of Nature Conservation in Serbia. This area is characterized by rare and endangered plant and animal species. Very often, on the waterways of Vlasina, one can see foam and greasiness, whereas the greatest danger comes from fecal and municipal wastewaters. Moreover, the riverside and the canyon of the Erma River are filled with litter and other waste that disturbs the natural beauty and cleanness of magnificent landscapes. Since we talk about the problem in the cross border region, it is necessary to join our strengths concerning the interests of both countries. Besides the application of the law, it is also necessary to carry out regular programs of ecological education on many levels and to encourage people to take part in the activities related to the preservation of the environment. Municipalities Surdulica and Tran have shown their need and readiness for this. Preservation and careful management of the environment represent one of the crucial factors for the further sustainable development of the region and improvement of its attractiveness as a tourist destination. In our region, only 15% of waste is being recycled, and ecology is discussed only when some incidents happen. The population knows very little about this problem. Therefore, the awareness of the need for the ecological action is very low. Ecological problems become one of the most current problems both in our country and the world. Because of that, it is extremely important to inform people, especially young ones, about the current problems in this field. Members of the Project Team from the Municipalities Surdulica, Serbia, and Tran, Bulgaria, have recognized the need for the improvement of the youths` attitude towards the environment, i.e. the necessity to change their awareness about the importance of environmental protection and preservation. These changes would be carried out through the development of the model of joint trainings and activities in the cross border region. In addition to the implementation of activities about the increase of youths` awareness about ecological problems, the partners will support all the activities financially. The series of joint workshops, camps and actions, bilingual publications, creation of website and LMS (Learning Management System) system for distant learning, joint project management as well as the joint project monitoring enable the development of stable and long-term cooperation of youths and stable partnership between schools in the cross border region. The very goals of the project are clearly directed towards the preservation of the environment. Through this project, what is going to be developed is a model of systematic strengthening of the capacities of the youths who will, by means of their engagement and effort, affect the local community in order to increase the awareness about the preservation of the environment, which does not demand financial funds but better organization of the very users. |
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Reasons for the project | |
Municipalities Surdulica and Tran | |
Schools - Partners in the project | |
The main activities of the project | |
The project team | |
Albums with photos |
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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria-Serbia. Project number: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-82 This page has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Cross-Border Programme CCI No 2007CB16IPO006. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of PSS “Josif Pancic” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme |